Support our Fundraising Efforts at 4 Paws for Ability
4 Paws for Ability enriches the lives of people with disabilities by placing life changing service dogs worldwide.
We breed, raise, and train our service dogs in preparation to assist their partner with specific tasks and skills that mitigate the impacts of their partner’s disabilities.
We work hard, love harder, and play the hardest.
Name a Puppy Contest!
Here's how:
1. Register for the event OR register to "Become a Fundraiser" on this page
2. Between now and July 20, share your fundraising page on social media, or go to the "Fundraising" tab on the race website above and ask your friends and family to select your name to make a donation to 4 Paws.
3. This fall, a litter of pups will be born and named the "5K Litter." Each pup will get its name from the top individual fundraisers. Depending on the number of puppies born in the litter will depend on how many fundraisers will have a chance to name one! For example, eight puppies in the litter? The top eight fundraisers will each get to name a pup!
The more you raise, the better your chances are to name a puppy.